Secured and Easy Virtual Banking Experience

Decentralized digital offshore payment platform
to all its customers globally.

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Learn About Digital Assets

A digital asset is generally anything that is created and stored digitally... Learn more about digital assets and how they are creating changes in the way we view ownership, value, and the way we interact with each other.

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Create a Wallet

Step One:
Choose a platform
Step Two:
Complete a successful sign up on the platform.
Step Three:
Verify your KYC documents.
Step Four:
Start buying, sending and trading your digital assets.

Create a Wallet Here

Add Digital Assets to Wallet

Upon a successful creation and verification of your wallet, you can purchase digital assets from the comfort of wherever you are using your credit/debit cards. You can also purchase using a different wallet and transfer to your Orchard Vault wallet

Sign Into Your Wallet

Trade Digital Assets

Step 1. Choose a platform to trade
Step 2. Create a wallet
Step 3.Choose your investments
Step 4. Choose a trading strategy
Step 5. Start trading

Trade Now

About Us

Award Winning Digital Asset Platform

9 Years of experience in digital cryptocurrency business And Assets Management

The utilization of digital currencies is gradually gaining a foothold in the world's financial system. Truly, traditional financial systems can convert quite a lot of the cryptocurrencies in existence to fiat, and the existence of administrative bottlenecks in the procedures which are necessary to be followed cannot be denied.

The volatile nature of cryptocurrency assets which makes it difficult for government institutions to make decisions on how best to have the...

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Total Transactions


Created Wallets


Happy Users



Safe and Secure

As digital asset trading becomes increasingly mainstream, our Security team here at Orchard Vault work to prevent cybercriminals in their attempts to steal assets from our users.

World Coverage

We run a globally accepted digital asset company where anybody around the globe can enjoy our services.

Payment Options

We support different payment methods to help you fast purchase digital assets in your Orchard Vault wallet

Digital Chargeback

Victims who have been scammed using their credit/debit cards with credible evidence can apply for a chargeback.

Cost Efficiency

We repatriate funds to scammed victims with proven evidence at a reasonable percentage fee within a short period.

High Liquidity

There are a number of factors to look at when considering liquidity, but it’s useful to remember its practical context: the exchange on which it is traded.

with all cryptocurrency values

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Discover a world of possibilities

Crypto Distribution

Token distribution is an integral part of tokenomics research. It describes the proportions in which different groups of users and investors own blockchains tokens. You can consider token distribution as a pie chart where each piece represents a specific group’s ownership of the project. All projects have initial token distributions in the beginning, whereby they decide how many tokens they will give, grant or sell, and to whom. These decisions also determine how ‘fair’ the project’s launch is. Generally speaking, a well-organized token launch is one that anyone can attend, with only a small portion of tokens distributed to inside investors. It is also important to note that the centralization of token ownership goes against the key principle of blockchains, i.e., decentralization

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Our Growth

Building an Ecosystem for repatriation of digital assets

  • Sign through an iterative mind mapping ideas
  • Instant and secure transactions
  • Decentralized, instant and secure payments

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How Does Cryptocurrency Work?

A cryptocurrency is a digital, encrypted, and decentralized medium of exchange...

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What Is a Blockchain?

Orchard Vault API is an open, distributed ledger that records transactions in code...

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How Can You Mine Cryptocurrency?

Mining is how new units of cryptocurrency are released into the world, generally...